
Publication Positive Impact Report 2024

By UN Global Compact NL
10.10.2024, 12:00

RSM and UN Global Compact NL announce partnership

The Netherlands faces significant social, economic, and ecological challenges. By endorsing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the country committed to achieving 17 objectives that promote a sustainable future for all. However, progress toward these goals has been slow, with only 15% of the targets met so far. With just six years remaining until the 2030 deadline, there is an urgent need to accelerate efforts and increase our positive impact. Achieving these goals will require collaboration and bold action from individuals, businesses, organizations, and the government.

The Dutch business community plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability. Thanks to the nation's strong entrepreneurial spirit and capacity for innovation, we are making notable progress. At the same time, many organizations are focusing on creating equal opportunities and ensuring good, healthy working conditions for all—key components of broad-based prosperity that benefits everyone. As a result, corporate social responsibility is becoming the norm, driven not only by ambition but also by regulations, societal pressure, and evolving expectations.

In 2024, Dyade, in partnership with Nyenrode Business University, VNO-NCW, UN Global Compact Network Netherlands and the Rotterdam School of Management, conducted a study on sustainability in Dutch businesses. More than 400 professionals across various sectors participated in the research.

The Positive Impact report offers insights into how sustainability is perceived within organizations. It explores whether employees are aware of sustainability goals and whether these ambitions are reflected in day-to-day operations. The report also examines the extent to which employees are engaged in sustainability initiatives and how they perceive their role in achieving these goals. Additionally, it looks at their expectations of management and the link between organizational sustainability, meaningful work, employee engagement, and turnover intentions.

The findings from this research provide leaders with valuable insights to enhance their organization’s positive impact on employees, society, and the broader community.